Thursday, December 15, 2011

Twas' the Day Before Christmas Break

We had a busy day finishing fairy tales, watching Polar Express w/ yummy treats, pj's and book buddies. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Program

The students did a wonderful job singing in the program and they looked so nice.  Tomorrow we get to wear our pjs for our special activity with our 5th grade book buddies.  Don't forget! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Electronics Party

The kids are so excited today about winning Box Tops and having electronics time in class.  They are playing electronic Monopoly, listening to music on itouches, playing games on DS's and ipads.  FUN FUN FUN!!!
Keep up the great work sending in those Box Tops! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Learning about Pollution

We did an experiment called Freddie the Fish today to help the students visualize water pollution.  We then read about water, air and land pollution and tried to brainstorm ways to help prevent these. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Treemont Field Trip

We had a really nice trip to Treemont today.  The kids sang beautifully and really brightened the residents day.  They all seemed very happy to have visitors and the kids all behaved well. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tis' the Season

We made Christmas cards today for our Grandfriends we will be visiting at Treemont on Monday.  We listened to Christmas music and used stamps and stickers and decorated the cards.  It was a nice break from work for a little while. 
Thank you for allowing your child to dress up today.  They all looked so nice.  I am sure the pictures will look amazing.  I know my son's was last year.