Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nonfiction Book Clubs

In reading we have started book clubs.  This week we got in groups and chose a nonfiction book to work on.  We each read the book on our own and then went back through with sticky notes and wrote any questions we had and anything we thought was important.  Then we met with our groups, compared notes and questions.  We combined our information and facts and then we made a poster of everything we learned to present to the rest of the class. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Birds, Birds, and More Birds!

Natalie from Mrs. Larson's class brought in some real turkey feathers for us to looks at together.  They were super cool!  We got to see how the bones of the feathers are hollow.  If you have any bird stuff to share send it in.  The kids love it! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The 100th Day of School

We made it through one hundred days of second grade.  Woo Hoo!!  We have learned a lot and become really good readers and writers.  I am so proud of the progress they have made thus far.  We celebrated with a yummy snack of 100 treats!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reading Nonfiction

We are getting ready to begin our Bird Research Projects.  Today in Reader's Workshop, we read nonfiction and did a KWL chart with our book choice.  They all did really well writing what they know, want to know and what they learned after reading. 
They are all very excited about their birds.  We will be doing the research at school, but they are welcome to find pictures and information at home as well.