Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How To Writing

We just finished writing "All Abouts" and we are now doing "How To's".  The students each came up with their topic and wrote the steps to doing it.  They made a poster of the steps to go with their paragraph. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shoe Box Maze

We planted our seeds...put them in our box with a hole cut in top...had them sitting in the window.  Mrs. Larson's sprouted, Mrs. McColloch's grew and ours...NOTHING!!   After a week, I planted a few more seeds, finally we got a sprout.   Two weeks later...we thought it would never happen.  FINALLY it grew!  The kids were so excited!  We discussed what was happening and how the plant is looking for like and growing in the direction of the light.  Everyone wrote their results of our experiment.  We will keep it going.  We have 16 more days to see if it grows out of the box.