Friday, August 31, 2012

Experiment Friday

Two Fridays a month we will be combining both second grade classes and conducting some experiments.  Today ours was called "Absorbing Science."  We discussed the steps to the scientific method and came up with our questions, hypothesis, made observations and then recorded our conclusions.  It was a lot of fun!  We did learn that more absorbant paper towels would have helped.  I am going to try it again at home this weekend with my boys and see if it works better.  Your child may want to try it out as well.  They should know how to do it since we did it together. 
John helping us prep for our experiment.

The color should make its way up the paper towel. 

The yellow and the blue water meet in the middle cup and turn green. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is a Community

In Social Studies, we worked in cooperative learning groups to design our own communities.  The groups had to plan, discuss, and agree on what was going on their poster.  Some groups faced some challenges, but in the end they were all happy with what they produced.  Each group shared with the class when they finished and all of the communities are outside our classroom for you to see. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Addition Top It

In Math we reviewed addition facts and then with our math partners we played addition top it.  You play the same way you play battle or war except you have 2 cards that you turn over and add.  Whoever has the higher sum wins. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting to Know Each Other

    Today in Social Studies we went around surveying each other to find out who has 2 sisters, rides a bus, went to a library this summer, etc.  They all went around with their clipboards and asked each other questions. 

    In Math, we were discussing pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.  We sorted with partners, counted how many and then worked to figure out the value. 

Kendalyn using a calculator to figure out the value. 
    We also had science lab today and got to see Mrs. Deakins.  We were working on asking questions about things we wonder. 
    It was a BUSY day! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of School

We had a great first day in second grade.  I am so excited to have all of your children in our class.  This is going to be an amazing year!  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Meet the Teacher Day!

I cannot wait for all of my new kiddos to come by today.   I have worked hard and am finally happy with our room.  I think you will love it.  We have a ton of space and lots of cute stuff!  Now all we need is our class to come and it will be complete.