Friday, December 14, 2012

Candy Cane Experiment

We took vinegar, peppermint extract, and red food coloring and used eye droppers to put it on a plate of baking soda to see what would happen.    It bubbled up and smelled like candy canes.  Then came the grand finale...mentos and coke/diet coke.  Watch the video below of brave Mrs. Larson...sorry it is sideways. 

Landforms and Bodies of Water

We have been studying geography in social studies.  Yesterday we used atlases of different continents and read about the landforms/bodies of water.  Then they worked with partners to draw the continent and label the different landforms and bodies of water. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today in math we were reviewing symmetry.  We made symmetrical pictures with pattern blocks and Christmas "symmetrees" with green paint. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We celebrated the date today at 12:12 p.m. with 12 mini m&m's. 
Each student got 12.  Yum! 

Christmas Program

Wow, that was a beautiful Christmas program last night.  Your children performed so well and sounded great.  Here a couple of pics from the classroom. 

Missing a few kids, but could not miss getting them all looking so nice. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Busy Friday!

We presented our nonfiction reading groups and did an experiment on force and motion with monster trucks.  Here are some pictures.  Also, Hayden brought his leopard gecko to show the class.  It was really neat! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nonfiction Book Clubs

In reading we worked in small groups reading nonfiction texts.  We then met with our group, discussed what we learned and made a poster to teach the class about our topic. 


Polar Bears


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Service Learning

We had a wonderful trip to Treemont Retirement Community yesterday.  The kids behaved so well and sang beautifully.  I am going to make a video with all of the pictures and post it later this week.