Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Moon

Yesterday we wrote facts about the moon that we have learned.  Today we watercolored moons with craters.  We made the craters with glue and when they dried we watercolored over them.  It was fun activity for the end of the year. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week

Wow!  What a surprise I got walking into school this morning.  Thank you so much to Mrs. Gregory and the moms who helped her decorate not one, but two doors for my class.  It was awesome!  What a fun way to start the day. The kids all looked so cute in their Hawaiian wear as well.  Mrs. Shumate got the teachers a sno-cone truck also, so we had a nice cool treat after lunch.  We really feel appreciated! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Phases of the Moon

We are learning about the moon in science and today we created a flip books to show the phases and what takes place during that phase. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Immersed in Poetry

We have begun our poetry unit.  We are reading lots of poetry each day and learning about the strategies to write poetry.  This week we are focusing on using our senses and emotions to write our poems.  During this unit, we will be sharing our favorite poems we have read and practice reading partner poems for fluency. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fairy Tale Reader's Theater

We have had a busy day in our room with indoor recess due to the rain.  :(  We worked in small groups and each had a different fairy tale script to perform.  The kids did well and most read with lots of expression. It was fun! 


We are learning about the weather and seasons in Science.  We worked in groups this week and made collages of our seasons. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Water Cycle

Today was experiment Friday and we finished up our water cycle unit with an experiment about condensation. Each group had a jar with a little warm water.  They put 3 ice cubes on top of the lid and watched to see what would happen.  We heard some very good observations and conclusions about what was happening and why.  Next week we will be learning about weather. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fairy Tales

This week we have started learning about how to write a fairytales.  Yesterday we started writing one together and finished it today.  It is a "fractured" fairytale similar to the Three Little Pigs.   Ours is "The Three Little Kids and the Big Bad Principal."  Today the kids are started to write their own fairytale or fractured fairy tale. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Reader's Theater

Today for science we worked in groups and did a reader's theater about the water cycle.  Each child had a part and did a great job reading it.  Below is part of one of our groups performing. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Water Cycle

In Science we are studying the water cycle.  We have been reading books about it, looking at smart board presentations, and today we made a bracelet to represent the different stages of the water cycle.  Ask your child what each color on their bracelet represents. 

Writing Celebration

We had a great time at our research celebration.  The students were so excited to share their research with family and friends.  It made all of their hard work worth it. 

Our yummy cookies from Mrs. Mulanax

1st Grade Buddies

On Friday before our Writing Celebration we met Mrs. DeLeon's first graders to share our research books.  They were excited to see them and our class was happy to share. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Measuring Perimeter

We were learning about perimeter today in math.  I decided to let them have a little fun while doing this so we worked in small groups and measured shapes I taped on the floor around the room.  Then we met and discussed our measurements to see if each group came up with the same results. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

M & M Fractions

We did some fun fraction math today!  Everyone got 20 m&m minis in a bag and they had to sort them by color and decide what fraction of the 20 each color was.  Then they got to eat them!  :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Rodeo Day!

The weather was less than ideal, but it all worked out.  We braved the cold and sprinkles and listened to the rodeo speakers.  Then had a picnic lunch in our room with Mrs. Larson's class.  Miss Moo came by for a visit too!  Thank you to the Mulanax family for organizing this event for us!