Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Arm Spans

Our math lesson today had the kids measure there arm span and collect the data of the class and then put the information into a bar graph.  Our shortest arm span was 41 inches and our longest was 52 inches. 

Blue Bell Creamery

Thank you to all of the parents who joined us on our trip to Blue Bell.  We had a great day and the weather actually wasn't too bad.  We were a little wind blown after the park, but everyone had fun! 
We are starting our factory murals in social studies.  The class voted to do gum.  We will work in three groups with each group doing a certain part of the production. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Shoe Box Maze

In Science we were learning about how plants adapt to their surroundings.  We planted some lima beans in soil, watered them and put them in a shoe box with a hole in the top for sunlight.  The shoe box also is made into a maze.  We are going to see if the plant will grow towards the sunlight, or if it will grow at all. 

Look how our gardens in a glove are growing! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Assembly Lines

In social studies we are learning about goods and how they are brought to us.  We watched some "How it's Made" video clips and even the I Love Lucy conveyor belt seen.  Then we got to practice in small groups our own assembly lines.  They had a lot of fun with that. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Basketball Addition

We played a game in math today that had us work to add 3 numbers.  We each were on a team of 3 versing another team of 3.  We rolled 3 dice to come up with a total and then we had to add each players total to decide the winner.  They worked together in groups well and had fun!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fred the Fish and the Urban Stew

In social studies were are learning about natural resources and pollution.  We did an activity yesterday called Fred the Fish to show the students the effects people have on our environment.  The students got to read a script and add some things to Fred the Fish's water. 

Fred the fish

Fred the fish in the Urban Stew

Monday, January 14, 2013

Division Stories

In math we were practicing dividing.  We practiced using counters to figure out equal amounts. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Garden In a Glove

Today for science we had Experiment Friday.  We worked together with our table groups to plant five seeds in a plastic serving glove.  We each took part in planting our seeds, and when they start growing we will transport them into a cup of soil so they can continue to grow.  

Arrays of Sunshine

We are beginning to learn the basics of multiplication in math, and have been practicing with arrays this week.  As a fun math craftivity we made suns with arrays on them using the product to determine the number of rays their sun has. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We are learning about plants in science.  Today we read a book about stems.  Then we started our celery experiment to see what happens when we put a celery stalk in a cup of colored water.  We wrote our hypothesis today and tomorrow we will observe and write our conclusion.